Make 2015 Your Year to GLOW!


Happy New Year! Millions of people use this time to make resolutions to better themselves in the coming year. The most common resolutions are to quit smoking and to lose weight. These are excellent resolutions! We should all strive to be healthier. These aren’t just great for the insides of our bodies, they’re great for our outward appearances too. Many people are worried about sounding vain, but the truth is – when you look good, you feel good too. There’s nothing wrong with wanting to look your best. It boosts your confidence and self-esteem. And when you’re feeling good about yourself, you’re going to take the time to  keep yourself looking your best.

It’s a revolving door – people who feel good, look better and people who look good, feel better… keep that cycle going this year! Make a resolution to pamper yourself. It’s not selfish or vain. This is your body, you only get one. Treat it well. Pamper it. Show it off!  You have every right to be proud of yours and make it look and feel beautiful.

Get that hair style and color you’ve been thinking about. Spring for the good make-up. Get a mani-pedi. Marvel in how amazing a new, well-fitting bra can feel. Go ahead and get those shoes you’ve been eyeing. And even if you’ve never tried it before – get an airbrush tan.

You might not think a tan will make that much of a difference, but you’ll be surprised! Your skin will look younger and healthier with some color. Even though you’re wearing 3 layers of clothes, you’ll look noticeably radiant. Age spots, scars, blemishes and veins will be masked with an organic tan that looks completely natural. You can afford this particular treat, too! It’s much less than a new outfit, but will leave you looking just as fresh. You’ll feel every bit as good as you look, and that’s worth it.

You deserve it. This is the year to shamelessly glow. Life is too short not to treat yourself well. When you look your best, you’ll feel your best. You’ll stand taller and speak louder, and demand the respect and attention you deserve.  Make this the best year yet!